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Denture Wearers

Whether you wear full or partial dentures, you need to be aware that your mouth's soft tissues need to receive due respect and have their period of coverage limited.

Your mouth is just as important, with or without teeth. You will still have to clean your mouth regularly - morning and night. Dentures to also accumulate plaque.

Specifically for Complete Dentures

How to clean:

  1. Brush your dentures twice a day with a denture brush (e.g. from Fixodent or Oral-B)

  2. Clean your tongue with glycerine and gause

  3. Use a non-abrasive toothpaste or Fairy Liquid (mild dishwashing detergent)

  4. Once a month soak your dentures in a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of white vinegar poured in to it.

  • Do not sleep with your dentures in place - leave them damp overnight

  • Massage your palate firmly with your thumb every night once you have taken your dentures out to maintain the blood circulation there.

  • Make sure your dentures do not rub on any part of your mouth and that they are not hurting or ill fitting

  • Watch out for redness anywhere inside your mouth. This is a brighter redness that how your gums normally look. This is a fungal infection that can be treated with Fluconazole (which your dentist can prescribe).

  • The redness if it develops further can extend to the corners of your mouth, or you may simply have it at the corners of your mouth - this is still a fungal infection. 

Specifically for partial dentures

  • Remember to brush your teeth and maintain good oral hygiene when you wear partial dentures

  • After meals, clean food trapped between teeth and the denture, as these are areas where tooth decay starts quickly

  • Ask your dentist / hygienist for fluoride to the tooth roots if they are becoming exposed. This will prevent decay and reduces any sensitivity

  • If your teeth are very tender as your partials are inserted / removed, it is likely that the clasps need to be adjusted, as they are overloading the teeth. - Ask your dentist to correct this for you

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